A Bridge To Compassion

“Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. Then when you do criticize them, you’ll be a mile away. And you’ll have their shoes.” (This quote is attributed to several sources, including Jack Handy and Justin Bieber) In my...

Don’t Worry About The Dones

The “Dones” are leaving church, reportedly, in droves. They even have their own website. One of them simply said, “I’m just done. I’m done with church.” But is this really what he meant? No clarification needed? According to the article, “John” has not abandoned...

Simple Missionality – Easier Than Baking A Cake?

Sometimes when I read books or blogs on missional living, I get confused. All of the jargon, made-up words, and fancy metaphors trip me up. Might as well ask me to make your wedding cake. When it comes to loving the people who live nearby, it’s really not all that...

Strutzenbergs have arrived in Scotland

Celebrate with us the Strutzenberg family’s arrival to Scotland! Andrew and Kali are joining Drew and Christine Van Tiem in Edinburgh with a heart to serve those in their neighborhood of Leith. Please pray with us as they settle into their flat, get to know...

New President : Geoff Rinehart

Geoff Rinehart Named Communitas President Rinehart will be the organization’s fourth president in its 51 year history Communitas International announced this week that Geoff Rinehart will immediately become President of the organization. Rinehart will become the...

Being a People of Hope- Coronavirus 2020

Communitas Friends and Family: Over the course of the last several weeks, the world has changed dramatically. Many of us live in areas where social distancing and even lock-downs are in place. We have friends and family who are impacted, and Communitas has people who...

New Vision and Mission Statements

Communitas Friends and Family: Amid the pandemic, which will reshape our lives for years to come, we know that our mission from the Lord has not changed as his followers: we continue to make disciples and to love our neighbors, ultimately seeking life transformation...

Giving Day 2020 was a Success!

$155,707 given on GIVING DAY 2020! THANK YOU! $155,707.07 was provided by God on our annual Giving Day, supporting our front-line missional workers and the Communitas movement. Thank you to all who made this amazing day possible!  With you, we met our $20,000...

Podcast featuring our recent conference

Recently, Alan Briggs of StayForth Designs and Right-Side Up Leadership Podcast visited the Communitas EuroCast conference in Croatia. We were glad to have Alan (and his daughter Betti!) with us, and on this podcast you will hear Alan’s thoughts on our tribe: 4...