As believers, we are all called to stewardship… of our time, our talents, our treasures. Within CA, we are passionate about stewardship; about being clear that everything God has given us is his, and that he might ask us to do something with “his” possessions that goes against our human desires.
Kingdom-minded people understand that their “possessions” are a matter of spiritual stewardship. As followers of Jesus, we invest in ministries that engage in the Great Commission, sharing the love of God, the forgiveness that comes through Christ, and the birth of new churches in our world. When you support Communitas through your prayers and gifts, you invest in two ways: (1) In our missionaries who serve on the “front lines” of ministry within Gospel-resistant cultures, and (2) in the lives of people who are seeking to know God. Our Communitas churches seek to start churches that live and breath as the Body of Christ in their context – sharing, serving, helping, giving, and sacrificing all in an effort to reveal the divine attributes of God in ways that anyone can understand.
When we use the word “invest” you should want to know what you can expect as a “return” on that investment. Here are just a few of the returns:
- Non-Christians who see, feel, and understand Christ in new ways
- Lives forever changed by the powerful work of the Holy Spirit
- Churches that truly think, care and act like Jesus in our world
- Missionaries who are more focused on sharing the gospel than worrying about their financial support
In CA, we continue to work hard to reduce our “cost of doing business” so that more resources can flow toward these life-changing initiatives. This is one part of our commitment to stewardship, just like your stewardship provides the resources needed to engage in a spiritual movement that truly makes a difference around the world. Thank you!