Eucharist Church

Eucharist Church is a congregation in San Francisco connecting ancient forms of worship and classic Christian faith to the lives of 21st-century people. Our mission is to form disciples of Jesus who live all of life in reference to God.

Rooted in the Anglican tradition, we believe the best way to reach out to a post-Christian society is to embody a thick culture of Christian faith in order to facilitate deep discipleship and faith formation. Rather than pursue the endless rabbit trail of “relevance” we seek to communally embody and proclaim the gospel that is unabashedly foreign to secular, post-Christendom culture, while providing on-ramps for spiritual seekers and inquirers. Our vision is focused around the cultivation and development of a vibrant discipleship process known to the ancient church as a “catechumenate”. This is a communal pathway of Christian identity formation and leadership development that is designed to take 1-3 years. Our worship is rooted in the ancient liturgy of the church and includes Holy Communion each Sunday.

Here are a few ways we describe ourselves:

We love Jesus.
We’re committed to thoughtful, Biblical, historic Christianity.
We’re discipleship focused and missionally oriented.
We’re down-to-earth, real people who love each other.
We have great confidence in the power of Christ to transform our lives and the city we live in.

Come visit us!


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May 18, 2023