Praying For Peace.

Serving Refugees with the Love of Jesus.


The world has been left speechless in the last days. For Communitas, as we have trained hundreds of Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian pastors and church planters together over the last two years in online cohorts (see our story from last month), our grief has been deep as we know and love so many people on both sides of the borders affected.

These cohorts of Jesus followerson both sideshave already agreed to continue training and meeting together. According to our director, “We surveyed our people and UNITED we all are! Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan are all UNITED to train in the Gospel together to be a Family of Missionary Servants who will support, encourage and love one another as we all share in expanding God’s Kingdom of redemption and love!” Lord, may it be so. 

As followers of Christ, we are called to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8). To do justice, we condemn this outrageous and unjust war. Our hearts break at the brokenness of our world and at the power of our true enemy.

To love kindness, we are compelled to serve as we can. While Communitas starts and shapes churches, we have churches and close partners who are actively serving refugees in Poland, Romania, and Czechia TODAY. They are desperate for funds to support the vast number of women, children, and the elderly who are arriving, with hundreds of thousands more headed their way in the days to come: money will be used for food, toiletries, clothes, mattresses and shelter. Please help!

Finally, to walk humbly, we are driven to confess that only Jesus gives us the power to turn from the sin of our hearts. To condemn wanton dictators for their sin, we must confess our own sin. May our humility be a light to those who do not yet know Jesus as Lord and Savior.

We need your help. WILL YOU JOIN US IN HELPING TO LOVE, FEED, HOUSE, AND SERVE THESE REFUGEES? As we write, over 600,000 refugees have already crossed into neighboring countries (Source: 

100% of your gift today will go directly to those in need. No administrative fee (except credit card fees) will be taken on gifts to this special fund. You can even avoid credit card fees by giving by bank account ACH at checkout. 


Thank you for joining us. It is not often that we come to you with such a forthright ask for money. Today is different. Last Thursday, everything changed.

May the Peace of Christ abound,

Geoff Rinehart

Photo above used by permission: A woman praying right in the middle of raging clashes in the last Ukraine conflict (February 19, 2014; photo used by permission)