Jesus says that people recognize we are His disciples in the way we love one another.

What Italy needs are disciples who make disciples that love one another like Jesus did — this is Church.

This is what God has put in my heart – to go and make disciples who make disciples through people who are in and out of the “Church”.

We need to see people stand up and be on mission for Jesus every day.

We need to influence missional community growth among the people who can influence the people seated in the Churches to do the same.

We need to point to Jesus like John the Baptist did with his disciples, and we need to show what Jesus taught and told us to do.

To do that, we need to be PRESENT influencing and training people to do the same.

Unfortunately, I grew up in an environment that thought that all a Christian has to do is go to church on Sunday morning, read the Bible and pray. That’s it. When I realized that in the Great Commission Jesus was not only talking to the twelve but also to me, then something changed.

In studying the Bible and going deep in the life of Jesus, there is more to the Christian life — there is action there; there God tells me I want you to be my collaborator in my plan to save the world, doing what I command you to do.

I realized that discipleship is all about life – life on life. It is about investing in the people around me and showing them what Jesus did for me, taught me, and commanded me to do so they can do the same and multiply disciples all over the world.

With this passion in my heart, I finally understood what Jesus told me to do, so I started to put in action the Gospel with intentionality. Read, memorize, pray, and put Jesus in action!

PRESENCE – be in the community so the people can see and know me. Be with the people in everyday life.

KNOWLEDGE – get to know Jesus more and more; get to know the people by listening to their story and learning their needs.

APPLICATION – pray and be led by the Holy Spirit to bring Jesus into the life of the people with whom I am sharing my life.

The Strategy:

Businnes as Mission project – Mazi4U

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…”
John 1:14
How can I incarnate Jesus in my community where God has placed me?

This is a question that all of us need to answer.
Looking at the needs of my neighborhood and looking at the gifts and competency God has given me, I started a Business as Mission project providing Leadership coaching in the business world.
This is a way to be incarnate within my community and to serve the local small businesses that due to lack of competency and a lack of support are struggling.
I come along side them to help them with their business and to lead them to Lasting Change in Jesus.

Youth Movement

“…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

Disciple-making among youth aims to start, develop, maintain and multiply a disciple making movement, strategically investing in the next generation of leaders.

We serve thru and in the local church providing:
Mobilizing Events: GM – Grande Mandato;
Disciple Making training for youth leaders and pastors;
Leadership development training based on Jesus’ leadership model;
Developing a network that helps to expand and sustain the growth of the movement.