Since 2008, Ismael and Amy have been working to pair young people in Ecuador who have the dream of pursuing a higher education with sponsors who have the kindness and generosity to send them to college.

The students they work with are all so different. Some will become dentists, nurses, accountants, computer programmers, pastors, and kindergarten teachers. Some will make careers in marketing, tourism, business, education, and government. And though all their dreams are different, they all–we all–have the same desires: to be loved and valued, to find acceptance, and to have a place to belong.

After several years of praying for each student to find that place to belong, Ismael and Amy heard God’s call to move to Guayaquil, Ecuador and be the church with and for their students during their college years. In 2016 Ismael and Amy moved to Guayaquil with the vision of opening their home and making it a safe and welcoming place where those students and their friends could come and find peace, friendship, love, and maybe a home-cooked meal or just rest and refuge during a hard day of classes.

In 2018, their family and church began to grow. Their daughter, Eleonor, was born in January and in April they began meeting together regularly on Sundays as a church in their home with some of their students and friends. Now, they enjoy a strong community of people who care for one another, and are eager to learn about and live for Christ.