Hadi has been in Glasgow since 2015, and part of Upper Room Church since 2016 when it was a House Church at Wesley White’s flat. Although he had not joined Communitas International at this point, his role was growing and developing so that now he is sharing the same vision and hope for Upper Room Church.

Hadi is a refugee with a serious background in Islam, but now he has given his heart to Christ and senses the call of God is upon his life.

Although he takes part in a variety of serving opportunities at The Upper Room Church, his main roles are to provide technical support (such as running live-stream, making slides for worship services, etc.) Bible teaching, being first point of contact with new asylum seekers and refugees, helping to develop different missional opportunities, working on discipleship structures, and most importantly leading the Prayer Chair focus at The Upper Room Church.

Hadi just recently got married to Sepideh on December 9th, 2022. Sepideh shares the same love and passion for Christ, and they now serve together at The Upper Room Church. They share a heart for hospitality and aim to create an inviting space in their own home for marginalized peoples of all sorts to encounter Jesus.