The Curtiss family is passionate about the Great Commission and the Communitas vision of Transformed Lives, Transformed Neighborhoods, and a Transformed World. Their family is thrilled to serve front-line missional families around the world. Eric grew up in Austria as a missionary kid and is an entrepreneur at heart. He has started numerous businesses (12 at last count), and came to Communitas after numerous years in ministry fundraising for Greater Europe Mission, serving there as Chief Development Officer. He serves in Communitas as Chief Operating Officer and CFO.

Nicki spent many years in ministry marketing leadership with Focus on the Family, and now serves in marketing and bookkeeping roles for multiple small businesses. Her heart of service and excellence bless all who meet her.

Joshua is an avid reader and sports nut, and Grace loves caring for and loving on our family puppy… and her dolls… and stuffies… and anything else that might need love. Speaking of love, they love exploring life together and are very grateful for the prayer and financial partnership of so many friends in reaching the nations with the Gospel!

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