Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Winter/Spring Cohort 2025

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality is an invitation to a transformative relationship with God; to bring yourself – all of your self – into a process of healing, growth, and maturity. In this 8 week course, you will journey with others walking similar roads, seeking to grow into a deeper, more joyful relationship with Jesus. You’ll explore Jesus-centered ways to understand your emotions and how they influence your relationship to God and one another. And in the process, you’ll gain experience with practical tools to move forward toward health and maturity.

Emotionally Healthy Relationships Spring Cohort 2025

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The Emotionally Healthy Relationships course is all about learning practical tools that will enable you to enter into transformational, deep, relationships with others: Learning a 5-part Framework to transform your conversations, discovering what your family taught you about communication and conflict, deepening connection through "incarnational listening", designing a lifelong plan to grow in love for others.