Am I Qualified to Be a Pastor?

Do you have a love for starting or being part of a church? Maybe the Holy Spirit has been working on you for a while, you had a gap year ministry experience and are wondering what’s next, or you have an existing background in missions work. If you’re asking...

Lament Devotional

As we wait on the Lord- we pray it is with open hands. Legend tells of an ancient custom in Nepal: if a man loses something precious to him the rest of the tribe comes together, enters his home, and takes something else from him as well. This sounds so cruel, doesn’t...

Jon Ritner’s new book, Positively Irritating, is now available

What does church look like in a post-Christian world? We at Communitas International have been asking this for many decades. The new book by Jon Ritner, Positively Irritating, was released November 13th. Jon is a former missional staff member. He now serves on our...

Strutzenbergs have arrived in Scotland

Celebrate with us the Strutzenberg family’s arrival to Scotland! Andrew and Kali are joining Drew and Christine Van Tiem in Edinburgh with a heart to serve those in their neighborhood of Leith. Please pray with us as they settle into their flat, get to know...

Giving Day 2020 was a Success!

$155,707 given on GIVING DAY 2020! THANK YOU! $155,707.07 was provided by God on our annual Giving Day, supporting our front-line missional workers and the Communitas movement. Thank you to all who made this amazing day possible!  With you, we met our $20,000...