Simple Missionality – Easier Than Baking A Cake?

Sometimes when I read books or blogs on missional living, I get confused. All of the jargon, made-up words, and fancy metaphors trip me up. Might as well ask me to make your wedding cake. When it comes to loving the people who live nearby, it’s really not all that...

Don’t Worry About The Dones

The “Dones” are leaving church, reportedly, in droves. They even have their own website. One of them simply said, “I’m just done. I’m done with church.” But is this really what he meant? No clarification needed? According to the article, “John” has not abandoned...

A Bridge To Compassion

“Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. Then when you do criticize them, you’ll be a mile away. And you’ll have their shoes.” (This quote is attributed to several sources, including Jack Handy and Justin Bieber) In my...

Jack Kerouac & The Use Of Labels

Some time ago, I picked up the original scroll version of Jack Kerouac’s On the Road, “the legendary first draft – rougher, wilder, and racier than the 1957 edition,” as the front cover states. I’d like to say that I bought this particular...

World Vision & The Problem With The Faith-Based Label

If you hadn’t noticed, the world of American Christendom/Evangelicalism is being rocked by the announcement by Richard Stearns of World Vision that they will not refuse to hire someone in a homosexual marriage legally recognised by the State...