Comunidade Aliança Cidade dos Príncipes exists to give every person repeated opportunities to see, hear and respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ without having to come or go anywhere. We want to be a church used by God to help transform the city of Joinville as a group of disciples that is relevant in the context of the city, communicates the gospel in a clear and simple way, that embraces and loves people, and makes disciples.Comunidade Aliança Cidades dos Príncipes is located in Joinville, Santa Catarina, which is the southern part of Brazil. With 570,000 people, it is the 3rd largest city in the South and has a rich European culture. The city is very much in need of the simple, clear message of the gospel that is relevant to the people here. We are super excited to be partnering with Communitas International and Comunidade Aliança de Lagoa Santa (near Belo Horizonte) for this church plant.