Donate To Communitas International

Donation Form Here

Support Communitas

Your gift is multiplied and supports the recruitment, training, and ongoing expansion of church-planting worldwide.

Support a worker

Fund the work of an individual or team, making their ministry and expansion possible.

2022 Global Impact Report

Donating Internationally or by Mail?

Communitas International

Donate by Mail

Please make checks payable to “Communitas” and send to:

Communitas International
PO Box 60543
Industry, CA 91716-0543

If you would like to support a specific missionary or project, please include the name of the missionary or project in a note with your check.

Donate by Automatic Bank Transfer

To begin an automatic monthly donation to Communitas we recommend that you use the on-line giving process. If you prefer to create an Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), please complete the following form and send to us at

Download EFT form

Christian Associates UK

Donate by Bank Transfer

Bank: Lloyds TSB Richmond
19-21 The Quadrant
Sort Code: 30-97-06
Account: 00952515
Christian Associates United Kingdom

The payment reference field should be used to indicate “Kingdom Advancement” to support the mission overall, or the staff member(s) or project(s) to which the donation should be allocated.

UK Gift Aid:

Christian Associates UK is a registered charity in the UK, number 1070351.

If you are a UK taxpayer, the Government’s GIFT AID scheme means Christian Associates UK can reclaim the tax you have already paid on your gift. Currently, this means that your gift can increase its value by 25% at no extra cost to you.
For Christian Associates UK to benefit from this, please click on the following link and print the declaration page for signature:

Download the File

Donate by Post

Please make cheques payable to “Christian Associates UK” and send to:
Christian Associates UK
c/o Nick Harrison FCA
15 The Old Orchard
Farnham GU9 8UR

Gifts should be clearly marked for “Kingdom Advancement” to support the general operating fund, or for special accounts such as a missionary or a project.

Donate by Standing Order

If you would like to set up a regular transfer from your bank account for allocation to “Kingdom Advancement” or to team members working with Communitas, please complete a Standing Order Mandate by clicking on this link and printing the declaration for signature:

Download the File

Stichting Christian Associates Europe

Contributions to Communitas International receive tax benefits in the Netherlands.

Donate by Bank Transfer

If you would like to support a specific missionary or project, please include the name of the missionary or project in the description/memo of the transfer.

Bank: ABN Amro Bank Rotterdam
Swift Code/BIC: ABNANL2A
Account #
IBAN: NL29 ABNA 0605 7971 45
Beneficiary: Stichting Christian Associates Europe

For tax deduction purposes, CAI have full ANBI status. For your tax return use RSIN # 8039.53.811.

Christian Associates Germany e.V.

Contributions to Christian Associates Germany e.V. receive tax benefits in Germany.

Donate by Bank Transfer

If you would like to support a specific missionary or project, please include the name of the missionary or project in the description/memo of the transfer. If you would like a receipt at the end of each year, please include your address.

Christian Associates Germany e.V.
KD-Bank: Bank für Kirche und Diakonie
IBAN: DE92 3506 0190 2100 1560 19

Donate Online

You may give online through our U.S. online giving portal with Canadian credit cards, but you may not qualify for Canadian tax benefits by supporting a U.S. charity. We are sorry for this inconvenience. Some of our team members with Canadian supporters work with a partner agency in Canada to accept tax-deductible gifts.

For assistance with Canadian donations, please contact your missionary directly, or email

Giving Appreciated Stock or Securities

If you own stocks, mutual funds, or other securities that have increased in value (and you have owned them for more than one year), you might consider using them to make charitable gifts. You may be able to deduct the current market value, not just the amount you paid, and minimize capital gains taxes you would pay if you sold the stock and then donated the proceeds.

For more information, please visit the Stock Gifts and other Creative Giving page.