Communitas Friends and Family:
Amid the pandemic, which will reshape our lives for years to come, we know that our mission from the Lord has not changed as his followers: we continue to make disciples and to love our neighbors, ultimately seeking life transformation around the globe. Thank you for partnering in this task!
Communitas has always been about making disciples and starting churches. I am excited to share our new vision statement with you:
Transformed Lives – Transformed Neighborhoods – Transformed World
In 2 Cor. 3:18, Paul says, ‘And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the spirit” (NIV).
“Transformed lives” speak first about ourselves… the life of every believer transformed by the power of God’s Spirit. In Matthew 17, Jesus becomes radiant in glory – literally transformed! And through Christ’s transformation of us, we share in that transformation… and this becomes our gift as the Body of Christ to the world.
But it’s not only about Transformed Lives… it is about Transformed Lives also transforming their Neighborhoods, and ultimately the World. God’s Kingdom has come to us! Transformation through the Holy Spirit is the power Jesus infuses in us to live in love, grace, and peace until He comes again. This is a holy goal we want to spend our lives pursuing.
Our new mission statement tells what we do as a mission to accomplish the vision:
We start and shape communities of faith that love like Jesus in their neighborhoods.
In John 20:21, Jesus says, “Peace be with you! As the father has sent me, I am sending you.” Our focus on church planting has not shifted at all. The Dynamic Adventure, our guide to starting and shaping missional churches, describes that communities of faith become reproducing churches as they mature and reach out with Jesus’ love in their neighborhoods.
Ultimately, we are sent to bring Shalom. Jesus’ message of peace was to those who had just betrayed him, those who had left him, lost hope, and were afraid. That level of astonishing love is what we have to offer our neighborhoods. Love that is always outward facing, never self-serving. Such communities of faith, my friend, change the world.
Communitas is a vision-driven organization. All we do is organized around pursuing Transformed Lives, Transformed Neighborhoods, and a Transformed World. Is God calling you to mission? Is He calling you to prayer? Is He calling you to invest financially? Maybe we can serve you in your calling, too. Thank you for being such an integral partner of this Kingdom work.
May Grace & Peace abound,
Geoff Rinehart, President