Dynamic Adventure: Packing for the Journey

Starting and shaping a missional expression of church is a wild and unpredictable adventure. There are no maps for where you are going. It will be a Dynamic Adventure, ever changing, requiring adaptability and stretching you into new depths of your and your team’s walk with Jesus. One thing is sure, though it will change you and others forever, it’s nonetheless a journey worth taking.  

Dynamic Adventure is your guide for such a journey. It’s a framework for dialog, discernment, and action, designed to accompany you and your team with tools for adapting to whatever the journey brings. The best place to start is at the beginning. Are you ready? 

The Packing for the Journey Training will make sure you are prepared for what’s ahead. It will ensure a solid foundation for the mission of God. After the training you can expect to be confident of who you are in Christ, the uniqueness of your calling, and what God is asking of you and your team. But let’s break this down a little more: 

Who is it for

  • Teams or groups with a heart for missional church planting wondering where to start
  • Teams or groups needing tools for discernment
  • Leaders preparing to facilitate Dynamic Adventure with their team
  • Individuals who have recently arrived to their field of service and are needing guidance
  • Individuals preparing to arrive at their field of service

Some things you can expect from the learning cohort are

  • A fun and safe learning environment to grow with like-minded people
  • A place to practice and experience the exercises of the Dynamic Adventure
  • A place to reflect on your own experiences and be coached up for where God is leading you next

Some outcomes you can expect from this course are

  • Clarify what is missional in your own context
  • Affirming God’s call as a missional church planter
  • Rekindled or increased love for the Church and its role in mission
  • Experience in how to use the Dynamic Adventure guide in your context
  • Understanding how to lead and participate in a healthy way in team
  • A healthy corporate spiritual discernment practice

Packing for the Journey will introduce you to the core concepts of the Dynamic Adventure and equip you to use it in your own context.

What: 5 Session Packing for the Journey cohort training

When: for specific meeting dates – see below under “upcoming courses.” ⬇︎

How Long: 6 weeks – each session is about 1 hour 30 minutes

Facilitator: Mike Kuder ← get to know him!

Where: Online through Zoom


Packing for the Journey is the first step in the Communitas Dynamic Adventure training cohort series. 
We can’t wait to see you at the next training!

Upcoming Courses

Find information about our upcoming courses below:

Latest Past Events

Emotionally Healthy Relationships Spring Cohort 2025

The Emotionally Healthy Relationships course is all about learning practical tools that will enable you to enter into transformational, deep, relationships with others: Learning a 5-part Framework to transform your conversations, discovering what your family taught you about communication and conflict, deepening connection through "incarnational listening", designing a lifelong plan to grow in love for others.


Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Winter/Spring Cohort 2025

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality is an invitation to a transformative relationship with God; to bring yourself – all of your self – into a process of healing, growth, and maturity. In this 8 week course, you will journey with others walking similar roads, seeking to grow into a deeper, more joyful relationship with Jesus. You’ll explore Jesus-centered ways to understand your emotions and how they influence your relationship to God and one another. And in the process, you’ll gain experience with practical tools to move forward toward health and maturity.


Heart Journey Fall Cohort 2024

Heart Journey is a 5-week, facilitated course created by the LK10 organization that confirms the Bible with neuroscience to introduce people to the basics of connecting heart to heart with […]


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