Christian Associates has a new name! For the past 48 years we have engaged in creative ministry, beginning with a university outreach called Jesus Christ Light and Power house. Our church planting efforts became international under the name Christian Associates.
Now we are ready to move into a new generation of missional innovation under the name Communitas International! Communitas captures the idea of faith communities on mission together. With Christ in the center, we form our churches around a dynamic cause – sharing the tangible love of God with a world desperately in need of it. Churches “on mission” seek to live out the values of Christ’s Kingdom on earth, adopting structures and patterns that prioritize Jesus-like behavior. Locally and globally, Communitas describes who we are and what we do!
For this next season, you will see both of our brands as we bridge from one to the other. You can still make your financial contributions to Christian Associates with tax benefit receipts within the contribution guidelines of your country. Over this coming year we will migrate all of our images and representations to Communitas International. Our new website link is www.gocommunitas.org. Please feel free to share this with others.
Maybe you connect with our vision for faith communities. Do you long for a version of church that revolves around the mission of God? Do you believe that the church was intended to think, care and act like Jesus in our world? If so, then you are aligned with our vision for Communitas! Together we walk toward Christ, walk in community with each other, and walk into the world with His great love. We’ve been fostering these kind of churches for decades. Now we have a name that fits this image of being church together. If you are interested in knowing more, please click here to join a webinar about this spiritual movement!