Communitas International–CA’s New Name!
Christian Associates has a new name! For the past 48 years we have engaged in creative ministry, beginning with a university outreach called Jesus Christ Light and Power house. Our church planting efforts became international under the name Christian Associates. Now...Future Church Symposium 2019 Recap
As a missional movement, Communitas starts churches who follow Jesus in transforming their world. March 2019 marked the time for Communitas’s first Future Church Symposium. Participants from ten countries gathered in Amsterdam to collaborate on some of the future’s...Forty Churches in 4 Years: Final Report
Not 40, but 57 new churches in 4 years? God never ceases to amaze us! Four years ago, we launched our strategic focus for 2015-2018: “40 in 4.” Our hope and prayer was to see 40 new church planting projects and partnerships launched in four years....