Sharing the Gospel and joining the mission field is work for all believers, and there have been many strong and faithful Christian women who serve the Lord on the mission field. These 5 women missionaries have shared the good news of Jesus and made history by serving Him faithfully.
Gladys Aylward

Gladys Aylward left her home in England in 1930 to follow God’s call to China, on the other side of the world. She left home with no support system and no money to be obedient to God’s call. With the Sino-Japanese War waging around her, she struggled to bring the basics of life and the fullness of God to orphaned children. Read more about the way she loved the people of China and Taiwan over a 40 year spread.
Amy Carmichael

Amy Carmichael was an Irish missionary who served in India for over 50 years. She founded orphanages, rescued young children from sex trafficking and forced prostitution, and shared the Gospel in a country that was hostile to Christ. She worked tirelessly for decades and wrote over 35 books about her time serving in India and South Asia. Read more about her life and missionary service.

Lottie Moon

Lottie Moon was a female missionary who was raised in the United States and in the Southern Baptist tradition, but only came to know Jesus at the age of 18. After she became a Christian she felt called to join the mission field in China and become a teacher. She taught for years in China and also founded the Women’s Missionary Society. Lottie was a huge advocate for women in the mission field and spoke out on behalf of women who felt called to support the local church through mission work. Read more about how Lottie Moon spoke up for female missionaries.
Mary Slessor

Mary Slessor was a unique woman and missionary whose life story is an amazing inspiration for all believers and missionaries. She was called to mission and set sail for West Africa in 1876. There she worked to end infanticide in Nigeria and share the good news of Jesus. Slessor learned the language of the Nigerian people and gained their trust, which allowed her to fight for women’s rights, fight infanticide, and spread the name of Jesus. Read more about Mary Slessor’s amazing work in West Africa.
Elisabeth Elliot

Elisabeth Elliot was one of the most famous woman missionaries. She is known for sharing the Gospel with the tribe of people who killed her husband. After a tragedy where her husband, Jim Elliot, and his partners were killed by the people of the Huaorani Tribe, she learned the language, and returned to live with the tribe. Over time she befriended many of the Huaorani, even those who were involved in the killing of her husband. She has written many books including her own story, called Through Gates of Splendor. Read more about Elisabeth Elliot and her amazing forgiveness and faithfulness.
The call to missions is a mighty one. If you want to explore the ins and outs of missionary work, Communitas International wants to equip you to plant churches and make disciples.
With Communitas, we affirm that women can serve in all aspects of ministry. We have many women who serve as pastors and missionaries with us. While there are many differing opinions on this issue, we don’t believe that Scripture precludes any women from becoming pastors or missionaries, but instead gifts and affirms them in these callings. Click here for our Statement on Gender Equality.
A missionary’s ministry is incredibly important and cannot be categorized by just one thing. Every person has unique gifts and talents when it comes to missionary work and living out God’s special calling on their lives. But all partners love God, love people, and engage in deep and intentional relationships wherever they go!
The call of the Great Commission is that EVERYONE should hear the good news of Jesus! And that is God’s calling for YOU and for ME. Church planters and missionaries serve in churches and communities, and they are passionate about extending their reach and sharing the love of Jesus to people no matter where they are, whether that’s in America, Europe, South America, and beyond!
Join us today on this dynamic adventure! Let’s go!
Written in partnership with Reach The Lost.